Thursday, June 26, 2008

Riverview Medical Center

I just finished showing four of my pieces at Riverview Medical Center's Doctors Art show. It was well received. The complete collection is best viewed at under the artwork link- Dr Martin D. Fried, Physician and Artist, 732-682-3425

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The up to date artwork can be viewed in its entirety at
Some of this art work will be on Display at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank in the month of June 2008.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Artist

Visit the n ew web site at
and check out the artwork link for pastels and acrylic art for sale by Dr Fried

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nutrition Physician

My website as a Physician Nutrition specialist is or

Physician Nutrition Specialist

There are only 300 board certified Physician Nutrition Specialists in the USA. Certification means that the Physician has experience in Nutrition and nutritional disorders and has passed an exam to document proficiency in the field of nutrition.